Since the 1970’s, the policies of “The Swarm” – the tightly knit and decentralized elites across Left & Right defined at –  have intentionally escalated the cost of living on everyday people and have destroyed the life expectancy of Americans. 

If you have a child today, your son or daughter will have a shorter lifespan than you. 

This is what happens when you keep voting for the “lesser of evils” thinking one of the evils will “save you.”  They have no interest in saving you, except killing you. The Solution – The truth is you must want to Save Yourself!  We need a systems overhaul, which demands a bottoms-up movement by we the people, done by us, and for us. Shiva 4 President –  When you vote for Shiva 4 President, you are acknowledging that the “Swarm” and its puppets are out to enslave you.  You acknowledge that the only solution is Us, electing one of Us to be our leader.  

The Swarm imposes their leaders on us. None of the alternatives are one of Us. Dr.Shiva is one of Us.

He came bottoms-up, escaping the degenerate and oppressive caste system of India. As a 14-year-old, he created the world’s first email system, being awarded the first U.S. Copyright for Email, recognizing him as the legal and official inventor of email.  He went on to receive four degrees at MIT, and started 7 successful companies, never taking any venture financing from the elites in Silicon Valley. Dr.Shiva has a history of delivering real solutions to transform the lives of everyday people. 

Shatter The Swarm: The movement for Truth Freedom Health® and Shiva 4 President offers you the opportunity to Shatter The Swarm to win the life we need and deserve. Vote Shiva 4 President.

Legislative Priorities

  1. Ending all funding to Israel
  2. Eliminate GPOs and PBMs and ensure that Health Insurance can reimburse not just conventional medical healthcare and pharmaceutical drugs, but also all alternative medical treatments and supplements, herbs and exercise.
  3. Eliminate Academic Tenure – A subset of academics get something called “tenure” when they go through their educational process – this provides them with lifelong job security and they’ll continue to get paid, regardless of their work. The Swarm and their billionaires fund fake papers from these academics that support their narratives. And then these papers become the “Truth” that’s used to justify their malevolence. We would end academic tenure to incentivize good science. In addition, any academic that has been proven to have written fake papers, with federal funding, would get a 22 year sentence in prison.

National Security

Dr.SHIVA would end the occupation of Zionism in the U.S.

A large percentage of politicians in Washington are Israeli dual citizens. First step to bolstering national security is ending all aid to Israel. Secondly, we ban dual citizenship for government officials. Dr.Shiva would end imperialist wars.

The Swarm has an international organization and oppresses working people all over the world. In Palestine, the Zionist Israeli government is butchering the Palestinian people.

We should support and arm the Palestinian people to fight and attain their security.


Dr.SHIVA would end all imperialist wars designed to meet the Swarm’s goals of power, profit, and control. Working people should not be forced to subjugate their fellow working people abroad.

We should protect our own security by ensuring every American is trained to use weapons in school from K-12, so that Americans from a very early age know how to defend themselves.

All American citizens should also have 2 Years of military or social service. Defense spending should be limited to protecting U.S. borders, not to funding Israel and imperialist wars.


The U.S. government prints money to fund wars abroad and this causes inflation that devalues money sitting in working people’s bank accounts.

To boost the economy, Dr.SHIVA would end all imperialist wars. Dr.Shiva would also end personal income tax and implement no taxes on local farmers producing organic, non-GMO foods.

Lifting taxes on organic farmers, helps create cheaper healthy food that will allow workers to have better health and be more economically productive.

We would tax universities, make sure universities co-sign student loans (not parents), implement a 70% corporate tax, and eliminate offshore tax havens used by billionaires to keep themselves from paying their share.

Budget, Spending, and Taxes

Dr.Shiva believes that U.S. economic policy and U.S. foreign policy are connected at the hip. The most powerful way to resolve economic issues at home is to cease imperialist wars and cut all funding to genocidal proxies such as Israel. Wars rationalize and enable the Swarm to print money.

Printing leads to inflation and increase in Cost of Living, which has exponentially grown since 1970. Tax policy must involve eliminating Personal Tax and increasing Corporate Tax back to the 70% rate, which will incentivize corporations to reinvest in their employees and to expand infrastructure. The reality is the Swarm, the elites, have created a broken system. Lifespan in America is going down.

This is by design, because the elites want to kill people – that is there solution. Dr. Shiva wants to enable people to be happy and strong, so they can work as many years as they want. We want senior citizens to live full and productive lives. That begins with enabling people to take care of their physical and mental well-being. Republicans want to eliminate social security, Democrats want to bloat it. Neither want to address the root cause: cost of living is going up.

The solution is to build infrastructure and expand the economic pie, by making more people productive. If more people are productive, there is no need to “balance the budget”. The elites get great infrastructure – you have politicians and their families living in the 23rd Century, while the vast majority of Americans have bridges and roads received a D+ from the American Society of Civil Engineers. Infrastructure is the key to economic health. With even infrastructure, great things can happen.

The invention of email is a great example. Dr.Shiva invented email as a 14-year old at a small medical college – the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – while growing up in the working class neighborhoods of Newark, NJ. Infrastructure creates wealth. In China, a typical infrastructure project takes 2 years to get approval. In the U.S. it takes 10 years, revealing the massive corruption and red tape inherent in the American system.

The U.S. infrastructure is falling apart. Without infrastructure, there is no innovation, and there is no wealth. We need to end personal income tax to allow workers to keep more of the money they earned. We would end offshore tax havens for billionaires, to garner more money for government spending. And grow infrastructure to allow people to create wealth.

Campaign Finance

Campaign finance “reform” of any kind will not address the real issue. The root cause of corruption in elections begins with ballot access. Local state election officials make arbitrary and capricious decisions to keep independent candidates off the ballot, violating their own state laws.

Dr. Shiva would implement a 22 year sentence in prison for such behavior. In addition, all candidates should get access to equal media coverage so they have an equal chance to be evaluated by the voting public.

All candidates should have a set fixed amount of money that they are allowed to raise, above which it is illegal to receive contributions. This amount may differ by office (e.g. $1 million for president, $500,000 for senator, etc). There is no need for Kamala Harris or Donald Trump to raise $1 billion for a campaign.


There are massive election integrity issues in the U.S. that require a systems approach to solve. The first issue is censorship that makes it difficult for bottoms-up candidates to gain public awareness.

We should remove the backdoor censorship portal into social media that was created by the CISA act, signed into law by Trump, to prevent candidates from being removed from social media and having their speech censored, as I was in 2020. Everyone should have to provide an ID to vote.

Election day should be a national holiday and people should have to vote in-person. Trump and those who talk about election integrity distract by talking about nonsense, they don’t talk about the underlying issues. Our work in 2020 uncovered REAL issues with signature verification and chain-of-custody.

Those who verify signatures on mailed-in ballots have very little training in distinguishing between an individual voter’s signature and someone else’s signature. There needs to be a solid trail of who has possession of voters’ ballots from the moment they mark their votes to the moment votes are tallied.

Technology and Communication

Free Speech and open communication are the essential lifeblood of a democratic society. That lifeblood today is threatened by cancel-culture and big tech censorship. In their day, our Founding Fathers wisely created the US Postal Service to ensure reliable communication that could not be blocked or censored by either the government or private companies.

It is time we modernize the postal service for the age of social media in the 21st century, to provide secure and reliable digital communication that is fully protected under the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

We must also repeal the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act, signed into law by Trump, which allowed the creation of the backdoor government censorship portal into social media companies.

Health Care

A person’s health should be between them and their physician.

Unfortunately, today, we have a system in which doctors are prescribing drugs for kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, GPOs hold a state-sanctioned monopoly to price-gouge our hospitals, doctors are driven into debt in medical school without sufficiently studying nutrition or looking at the body as an entire system.

As a US Senator, Dr. Shiva will break up the GPO monopolies and enact genuine healthcare reform that puts your health back in your own hands, not the clutches of the state.


Access to a quality education is one of the single greatest factors in preparing young minds for future success, especially for people who grow up with systemic disadvantages.

Many school districts in our nation keep kids trapped in bad schools and condemn them to a future of missed potential. This lost potential has damaged our society for generation after generation, especially in many minority communities.

We need to unleash every education option we have at our disposal from homeschooling to charter schools to vouchers and scholarships for private schools and completely reforming our public education system with renewed emphasis on votech, life skills, teaching young minds to think like engineers and scientists, and instill them with the grit and determination to succeed.

As for the student loan issue, colleges have been held unaccountable for whether their students have the education and skills they need to make a living after graduation. Every student loan should be cosigned by the college the borrower attends, so that if the student is unable to find a job after they finish their studies, the college pays a financial cost.

Energy & Environment

Pollution is one of the greatest threats to our natural environment. Without a healthy environment: clean air, food, and water: we endanger the health of our people. This vital issue has been entirely side-tracked by the debate on climate-change.

Let us be clear: climate changes. Greenhouse gases alter this change. The scientific debate on climate change is over exactly how much of this change is man-made: a little, a lot, or everywhere in between; there are models for every possibility, and this makes these models entirely unreliable.

The scientific method relies on replicable predictions, which are entirely absent in the debate on greenhouse gases. Which is why we need more focus on the more immediate problem of clean air, food, and water.

Reducing pollution is something that everyone can understand and get behind. And by ensuring clean air, food, and water, we will in turn reduce our impact on the global climate.

Crime & Public Safety

Security and safety is necessary for any community to thrive. However, relying on the state to provide such security and safety alone, will lead to authoritarian rule. Dr.SHIVA believes that security and safety must come from down below.

We believe every individual should be trained to use weapons from a young age, so they can provide safety, locally in their communities. Outsourcing to standing armies in the government leads to authoritarian rule.

Working people should be armed, not just thugs on the street. Dr.SHIVA believes in qualified immunity for a limited set of state officials. Such as firemen and others that have occupations in which accidental deaths occur. But we should remove qualified immunity, which is now extended broadly.

Politicians and bureaucrats in government should not be given qualified immunity and be protected from liability for their misconduct. They will be held accountable for the decisions they make. Recent calls for defunding or outright abolishing police (combined with simultaneous attacks on our Second Amendment) are a naked attempt to leave the American people defenseless.

Let us be clear: the elites who use racism as a tool of control will always have their own private security. These elites control the mobs on the street through their corporate media and the astroturfed activists which they also fund. These controlled mobs will never be appeased.

We must support good police against the mob. In addition, there are genuine improvements which can be made to policing and reforms that we can support for the mutual benefit of law-abiding citizens and law enforcement officers: such as using social workers for non-emergency calls to free up officers for tackling violent crime, increasing neighborhood watch programs to facilitate local coordination with police departments, ending no-knock warrants and red-flag laws which bring officers into direct confrontation with law-abiding gun owners and get innocent people killed.


Dr. Shiva is an avid supporter of the second amendment and the natural human right to bear arms for personal and collective defense.

We need better training and education to ensure that our people are equipped with the knowledge and discipline to exercise this critical right effectively and responsibly.

While Dr. Shiva’s research does show that reducing access to guns is one way to reduce crime and mass-killings, this also leaves us vulnerable to organized crime and the encroachments of an increasingly controlling state.

Dr. Shiva’s research also shows that other factors besides access to guns are equally important factors in the cause of crime and mass killings, and by tackling those contributing factors, we can attack crime and solve mass-killings without infringing on the gun-rights of law-abiding Americans.


All people in the U.S., whether citizens or not, should be treated in accordance with their contribution to the workforce of the country. If someone’s an “illegal” immigrant and they’re working, then we should put them on a path to citizenship and start taxing them.

That will generate $2 trillion for the U.S. economy. If the “illegal” immigrant is not working and contributing to this country, or they’re criminals, then they will get sent out.

But in addition, we have millions of Americans, U.S. citizens, who are scamming the system, living off disability, when they are in fact fully able to work. We should send THOSE people a 30-day warning letter that if they don’t get a job, they’ll lose their citizenship. This will be our “reverse-immigration” program.

Abortion and Reproductive Health

Dr.Shiva believes in the biological fact that life begins at conception. Period. Life begins when a sperm and an ovum meet. Anyone who says you are not killing a being by aborting it, is simply wrong, based on science. Dr.Shiva’s position is Pro-Life in the womb and outside of the womb.

What we have forgotten about is the sanctity of life when a child is growing. We need to realize that we are killing life when we put Roundup in our soil, chem trails in the air, and GMOs in our food. In essence, Dr. Shiva is Pro-Life to the power of infinity!

The pro-life/pro-choice dialectic is hypocritical. Many on the left, who call themselves “pro-choice”, don’t acknowledge the factors that underlie many women’s decision to abort – poor economic conditions. This gets to the real problems of income inequality and lack of infrastructure.

A rich woman may be able to be “pro-choice”, but if you’re poor is it really a “choice?? The left wing only cares about the “Choice” to abort, but not about choice on taking vaccines, wearing masks, or school choice.

They promoted mandating people to get vaccines in their bodies and to wear masks. They wanted to eliminate people’s choice to purchase a gun. A truly “pro-choice” person would not restrict personal freedom in this way.

On the other hand, many who call themselves “pro-life” don’t care about what happens to the child AFTER they’re born. The newborn should have access to great health during its lifetime. The mother and child should be able to get basic needs, such as organic and non-poisoned food, as needed.

Time should be allowed for the mother and child together after birth – a critical period for child development. Children should be growing up in a safe environment – free of imperialist wars and child trafficking.

The dialectic is orchestrated by the “Swarm”, the tightly knit and decentralized elites across Left & Right. Both Democrats and Republicans are hypocrites about pro-Choice vs. pro-Life. Booby Kennedy, for example, who claims he is for clean water and clean air, but endorsed Hillary Clinton, one of the most rabid supporters of Monsanto, not once, not twice, but three times.

Dr.SHIVA is fully pro-choice and fully pro-life. The Dobbs Supreme Court decision turned over power to the States to decide what regulations on abortion should be. The people in each State should decide, bottoms-up, how to determine legislation.