Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Gives a Guided Tour of the Shiva 4 Senate Campaign Office

A guided tour of the Shiva 4 Senate campaign office in Cambridge, MA by none other than Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai himself! Dr. Shiva describes how the office functions and the various activities that are being done to engage voters in Massachusetts. The campaign is now focused on getting 10,000 verified signatures to get Dr. Shiva on the ballot.

Cambridge Revolts UPON Hearing Elizabeth Warren Voted FOR Monsanto Protection Act!

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains the nomination process to the Senate elections and displays the official nomination papers that were released. He also shares how he is going about his signature campaign and how his dedicated volunteers are helping him collect 10,000 signatures to put him on the ballot. Dr. Shiva shares how residents in Cambridge have expressed disgust upon learning …

Why is the RACIST Boston Globe, Like Sen. Warren, Shoplifting Ideas & Identity from the Real Indian?

The Boston Globe presents itself as a balanced source of news but the reality is that the are absolutely racist. They have a history of thinking that they can control the elections. The Boston Globe has intentionally left out Dr. Shiva’s campaign from its coverage on the Senate campaign.

To PAC or NOT to PAC, but that is NOT the question

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai discusses the REAL issues of political action committees (PACs), and asks why media companies are NOT treated as a PAC. He also shares is position of One Dollar, One Vote to put strict limits on campaign funding.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Speaks On The Truth About Innovation

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai speaks on the truth about innovation in a lecture at the St. James Armenian Church Men’s Club at Watertown, MA on January 8, 2018. We are led to believe that innovation always happens at big universities or the military or big corporations but the truth is that innovation can take place any place, any time, by anybody. …

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on Running as an Independent for the U.S. Senate

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai speaks with Owen Shroyer on Alex Jones Infowars channel on November 13, 2017. Dr. Shiva talks about his decision to run as an Independent against Elizabeth Warren in the 2018 Massachusetts Senate election. According to Dr. Shiva, the Republicans in MA are irrelevant and are part of the same entrenched Establishment that the Democrats are part of. …